Ledger Nano S - The secure hardware wallet

** Alert: This site currently has no balance, you can still try to get a payout however it's not guaranteed.

Para poder cobrar por nuestra Faucet es obligatorio que tengas un monedero en faucethub.io de lo contrario no recibiras tus doges! | Podras cobrar 2 DOGES cada 2 horas (no hay limite diario) | Disfruta de tus DOGES! ||||||| To be able to charge for our Faucet it is necessary that you have a wallet in faucethub.io | You can charge 2 DOGE every 2 hours (there is no daily limit) | Enjoy your DOGES! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

50000 doge every 120 minutes via Faucethub

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